
Providing Comprehensive Paediatric Dentistry

Parents and children, welcome to Bournemouth based Bright Blue Dental Practice. We’re happy to see you and your little ones in our dental practice. We work hard to make each dental visit fun and child-oriented because we believe that oral healthcare need not be a scary experience for your child.

Mom and Dad, start early.

As soon as your child has started to get baby teeth begin gently to clean their teeth after each meal with a soft toothbrush. Make this a part of your routine and help your little ones build a lifetime of good oral habits.

You should bring your child to Bournemouth based Bright Blue Dental Practice six months after eruption of the first tooth or by his or her first birthday. This way, your child’s dentist gets a better chance of preventing any dental problems such as tooth decay, and can help parents learn how to clean their child’s teeth and identify his or her fluoride needs.

Morning appointments are best for your child’s first visit. Coming from a good night’s sleep, your child is more rested and much more cooperative in the morning. Also, morning appointments will not pose conflicts on your child’s mealtimes or naps.

Children who enjoy their first trip to their dentists suggest a promising attitude towards their dental care, health and habits.


The first dental visit is as important as his or her first steps and equally as momentous as his or her first words. Your child’s teeth and gums will be checked for signs of tooth decay or other problems. Your baby’s teeth may also be cleaned and oral habits, like thumb-sucking, may be assessed.

It’s important that parents talk about the first appointment in a positive way. Do not use dental visits as punishments. Just the same, never let anyone tell your child scary stories about seeing the dentist.
Do not bribe your child into going for his first visit. Make your child understand that having his teeth and gums checked is good for him or her. Bribes may appear to children as ways of making them do something that may hurt or disadvantage them.

Teeth start to develop while the child is in the womb. Most babies begin growing teeth by the third and six months of pregnancy, others may develop faster or slower than usual.
At birth, a complete set of 20 primary teeth are grown hidden within the gums. Primary teeth are also known as milk teeth, deciduous teeth or baby teeth. The first tooth generally erupts at about six months of age. 'Eruption' refers to the tooth breaking or cutting through the gums. For babies, this is
more commonly called as 'teething'.

when should I begin brushing my baby's teeth?

Start using a toothbrush as soon as his first tooth erupts. Use a soft bristled toothbrush and commercially available toothpaste made especially for young children. Teething generally starts at about six months and it causes irritability and discomfort for most babies. Brush his tongue gently to avoid build-up of bacteria that cause infections and bad breath. Replace toothbrushes every two to three months.

Do I need to get him fluoridated toothpaste? Am I giving my baby just the right amount of toothpaste?

Fluoride strengthens the protective structure of the teeth known as enamel. This mineral makes the teeth less resistant to acids and bacteria that break down and damages the teeth's enamel. As recommended by the American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry, use a 'smear' of toothpaste for children less than two years of age and a 'pea-sized' amount for children aged two to five. Too much fluoride can lead to fluorosis. Fluorosis causes white spots that stain the teeth. Remember to teach your child to spit out toothpaste after brushing.

How do I know that baby's starting to teeth? What can I do to help ease his discomfort?

Symptoms of teething baby include restlessness and irritability, gum swelling, sleeping problems, loss of appetite, increased saliva or drooling, rashes or redness in the cheeks and frequent biting of fingers and other objects into the mouth. Comfort your baby by giving him something to chew on, such as a cold teeth ring or a cold clean washcloth. Soothe him by gently massaging and rubbing his gums. If none of this works, your doctor may suggest giving your baby acetaminophen to relieve his pain.

Brushing and flossing alone cannot always get into all the pits in the teeth and the hard-to-reach areas in the mouth. Inadequate cleaning can cause food particles and plaque to accumulate and this can lead to tooth decay.
Dental sealants are thin plastic coatings that are painted on the chewing surfaces of one or more teeth to avoid dental caries. They are more commonly applied to the back teeth; the molars and premolars. The liquid sealant becomes a hard, thin layer that forms a protective shield over the enamel of each tooth. This prevents food and plaque from getting caught and stuck within the depressions and grooves of the teeth.
Children are the most obvious candidates for sealants. They should visit their dentists for sealant applications as soon as their molars and premolars erupt. This may remain effective for five years or more and can protect their teeth through the cavity-prone years of six to fourteen. Each person has unique needs. Adults at risk for caries and those without prior filings may also benefit from sealants.
Though sealants can protect the teeth for years, they may need to be examined for chipping, wearing or breaking. They may be fixed and replaced by your dentist as necessary.

Thumb sucking is one of the most common behaviours among children. This starts early in life and may even begin before birth. It is a normal reflex and is generally stopped between ages two and four. A child draws a sense of comfort and security from sucking especially when he feels hungry, restless or sleepy.
The American Academy of Paediatric Dentistry states that this should not stir concern until your child's front teeth erupt. It is during this period when some dental problems may take place, such as protruding front teeth or irregular bites.
Prolonged thumb sucking may eventually lead to malocclusion, where the permanent teeth become improperly aligned. It may also cause teeth to be pushed outward, sometimes even mal forming the roof of the mouth. When this habit continues over a long period of time, it may further develop speech problems such as difficulty in pronunciations and lisping.
Most children stop thumb sucking on their own. Children above five years of age who continue with this behaviour may need to be evaluated by your GP. This could be a response to stress or to an underlying emotional disorder such as anxiety.
How Can I Help My Child Quit Thumb sucking?
Remind. Distract. Reward.
Be supportive. Be open and talk to your child openly about it. Nagging will most likely lead to worse results. A positive reminder is useful for children who are ready to stop the habit.
Distract your child by offering him other comfort objects like toys or even pacifiers. Pacifiers make less damage to the oral makeup and structure than thumb sucking. There are over the counter non-toxic bitter paints that you can apply on his fingernails that may help him keep his thumb off his mouth.
Start a progress chart and reward your child each day that he does not suck his thumb.

Injuries to children's teeth are stressful for both children and their parents. It is best to contact your dentist immediately should your child need urgent dental treatment. Prompt treatment leads to better chances of treating and saving your child's teeth. Parents must keep the emergency phone numbers always available and convenient for easy reference.
Rinse your child's mouth with lukewarm water and gently apply cold compress to reduce swelling. Never apply heat or aspirin directly on the tooth or gums. Aspirin is acidic and may cause burns or stings. Over the counter pain medications adjusted accordingly to your child's age and weight will help relieve pain and discomfort. Book an appointment with your dentist immediately.
If your child has something lodged in between his teeth, gently remove it using a dental floss. Do not use any sharp tool or metal to remove it.
Broken, Chipped or Knocked Out Tooth
Find the tooth and rinse it with clean water. Be careful not to touch it by the root; handle it by the crown only. Do not use soap to clean it. If possible, put it back in its socket and gently hold it steady with a clean cloth. If you're unable to do it, place it in a clean container with cold water or milk. Do not wrap it in tissue or in a cloth. The tooth should not be allowed to dry. Your child should visit the dentist at the earliest to save the tooth.
Loose Tooth
Loose tooth should be removed to avoid your child from swallowing or choking from it. Encourage your child to remove it himself. Only he knows how much discomfort he can stand.
Broken Jaw
Use cold compress to reduce swelling. Your child might need immediate medical attention. Head to the hospital as soon as you can. Severe blows to the head can be life-threatening.
Avoiding Dental Injuries
The best approach to dental injuries is to avoid them. Prevent toothache by regular brushing and flossing. Avoid giving them hard foods to chew on. Have him wear protective gears including a mouth guard if he plays contact sports. It is best to inform the dentist if your child has had any dental procedures done before letting him play. Always use car seats and require seatbelts for your children. Childproof your house. Keep the floors dry to avoid falls. Lastly, regular dental check-ups will help determine additional preventive strategies suited for your child.
Should your child need urgent dental attention, call us right away at 01202 528949

Surgery Hours

Our surgery hours are:

8 am – 1 pm; 2 pm – 5 pm

8 am – 1 pm; 2 pm – 7 pm


8 am- 1 pm; 2 pm – 5 pm

8 am – 2 pm

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